Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Daniel Fast

Whew. Two days down, 19 to go. To some that may seem silly, but to others you understand how hard this really is. Mike and I started our fast on Monday. Monday morning rolled around, I had some Grapenuts with banana and almond milk. Ok, I like Grapenuts anyway so this wasn't a bad start. Lunch came and I had a salad and an apple with peanut butter. This too wasn't so hard because that is what I've been having for the last few weeks (well, before I had string cheese and homemade ranch dressing too). If there is one thing you need to know about me in relation to food is...if I need to eat and don't I'm a hot mess. I regularly have a snack after school, lunch is at 11 so my body doesn't like to wait until 7pm without a snack. Everyday and I mean EVERYDAY I eat a snack at 4ish. Usually these snacks aren't the healthiest. I often have a can of Coke Zero or Dr. Pepper as well. So when 4 rolled around on Monday my body said: Give me caffeine and give me carbs. But my mind had to say: Yum, nuts and dried fruit and water. Now, don't get me wrong, this is a great snack, but just not what my body is used to. Dinner came and went and was not that fulfilling or tastey.

One thing I'm not going to do is lie and say that this fast is easy and that I am sailing along. It is day 3 and this is hard. I've had a caffeine headache since Monday night. I've realized that I'm a healthy eater from 7am-4pm. But after 4 o'clock I don't pay much attention to what goes in my mouth. Now, let me tell you---I love eggs, cheese, meat, and bread. BUT isn't that the point? Isn't the point to struggle? To NEED the Lord's help? I think so. Do I like it? No. Can I do it? Yes. Only with help though. With the help of my savior and my husband.

I'm going to admit something, yesterday afternoon as I was freaking out because my head hurt and I didn't like anything I am able to eat, I had a song stuck in my head. This song is "Jesus paid much too high a price for us to pick and choose who we take, we are the body of Christ." I often sing songs very loud around the house and change the words to fit what I'm doing. Here is what came out...Jesus paid much too high a price for me to b*tch and moan about what to eat. Now, do worships have cuss words in them? No, but does Jesus want us to be real with Him? YES. So I don't care if you want to judge, I can cuss when I talk to the Lord. Now, the point was not to tell you that I cuss with the Lord, the point was to say...He paid WAY TOO high of a price for me to sweat the small stuff. I forget that so easily in life, during the fast, at work, in relationships, at church, all the time!

So, here I am day 3, wishing I wouldn't have committed to this fast. BUT I did commit and I will do it maybe!


  1. Thank you so much Lucy for sharing your struggles with this and being real. I know when Josh and I start it we are going to have our struggles too, but knowing we will not be struggling and fighting alone makes it so much easier to think about. I don't think i would even fathom being able to do this without the encouragement I feel from watching and listening to you and Mike fight through it. Keep up the hard work! We will be with you soon!!

  2. I think i missed what the daniel fast is, but I'm going to look. totally awesome for sticking with it and I love your point of view, that the purpose is to need Gods help. Going to used that approach next time I detox!
