Today I get to brag on myself. I wouldn't normally devote a post to talking about myself, but I think I owe it to my hard work to do so.
When I found out I was diabetic in October I weighed 209 lbs. An average number for me for the last few years. At my heaviest I weighed 230 lbs, that was about 3 years ago when I was in a really bad place. I had miscarried and was not coping well, I was depressed and I didn't care enough about myself to take interest in my best interest. When the doctor told me I was diabetic she said lose weight and you may never have to use insulin. So, I got to work and right away I lost 7 lbs. I started a pill called Metformin that works similarly to insulin. A month later I found out I was pregnant and the weight loss was not a priority anymore. Now, I needed to maintain. I also had to start insulin because Metformin could be harmful to my baby. Over the next 28 weeks I had to watch everything that I did, how much insulin I took, what I ate, how active I was, etc. I am proud to say that the day I got induced I weighed 234 lbs. I would love to say that number is lower, but considering where I started 25 lbs is a great gain during a pregnancy. Today my baby girl is 12 days old and I weigh 208 lbs. It took me 12 days to lose all of my "baby weight." I didn't work hard to lose that weight, but man oh man I worked hard during my pregnancy to not gain it! I'd like to say after a few more weeks of rest I'll go at losing more weight full steam ahead, but I know myself and know I need to take it one day at a time. My goal: maintain. My hope: lose weight and show Macy how being healthy is our lifestyle.
That's AMAZING!!!! One day when I am becoming a momma I will need your advice! Just another reason to admire you!