So, today I pulled a Carrie Heffernan. My sister-in-law Brittany likes to joke about Mike and I being Doug and Carrie...well she isn't too far off. Have you seen the episode where Carrie orders her food at an Italian Restaurant and it comes with capers? She insists that she ordered it without them, saying that they got it wrong. Well, the waiter says to her that they will fix her order...she gets upsets thinking they don't need to fix it they need to make it correctly---big difference to her.
Well...I had the morning off so I went to Taco Shop on my way to work to get some lunch. I ordered 2 flour tacos with no sauce and a bean burrito mild. I've ordered this same order at Taco shop for the last 15 years, so I'm positive I ordered it correctly. She gave me the total it was $2.85ish...well considering the fact that I've been there let's guess at least 150 times I knew this wasn't right. I tried to correct her but I couldn't get her to respond. So I drive forward, instantly say, "Did you hear Flour tacos?" She says "Oh sorry let me fix that." At this point I'm ok, no freaking out. Then as the window is closing I hear her say to the people making the food, "She wants change it to Flour instead." Most people would brush this off, but the Carrie in me no no, I did not want to change my order I wanted you to make it the way I asked. Now mind you I thought this, I said nothing...I paid, got my food, said thank you with a smile and drove on my way. Fortunately unlike Carrie I can filter (sometimes), but the only way for me to really get over it is to tell the story 47 times and make sure everyone knows that I was not at fault in this story. This time I will not do that. I will tell the story once on here...not to prove that it wasn't my mistake (bc maybe it was, maybe I wasn't clear when ordering, who cares anyway) but to let you laugh with me about my Carrie Heffernan moments :-)
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