The church formally known as Westlink Christian Church...well the name hasn't changed yet, but it is soon to come...puts on a women's gathering each month with different speakers for the women of the church, their guests, and other churches. This month Jen Hatmaker was the guest speaker, she is awesome!
I didn't really know much about her before going to hear her speak. At first glance I felt a little intemidated because she is really beautiful. As much as I try not to I always first judge someone on how they look. I guess because I'm insecure about myself, I look at those things in other (mostly) women. My first hair. It is one of those things that people don't talk about, me included. I have incredibly thin hair. So thin that it makes other people uncomfortable sometimes. I have no idea why I have such thin hair and it sucks! It sucks that it is just getting thinner. Anyway, Jen has an awesome head full of long dark beautiful curly hair, the kind of curly that isn't out of control. Not only does she have beautiful hair, but she is all around beautiful. She is thin, had a cute outfit and could "just pull it off." So first thought: she is beautiful, second thought: maybe she won't be very rude! I know, rude. Why, because she is beautiful, I wanted her to fail? I hate that thought! That stupid Satan just plants thoughts in your mind that you don't even want to think! And you know what? God answered back to Satan because Jen was wonderful. She is funny, witty, sarcastic, and passionate. By the end I had laughed, I had cried, and although Jen is physically beautifully by the end of her speech I really could care less about how she looked. I was so wrapped up in what she was saying. I was so impressed by her spiritual beauty. She was raw and real. Something I love, I am so impressed when people can be real, I feel blessed by the ability to do so myself.
Ok so what did she have to say? Well, what I came home with was we are not "poor" no matter what I think, I've heard it before, but this time it stuck. We have two running cars, a roof over our head, and I never worry about being able to eat. Second, she spoke about as Christ Followers are we actually following Christ? Are we only reaching out to those who already know Christ? Yes, everyone needs to be reached, but are we too comfortable in just staying in our little church bubble? Jen didn't claim to have it all figured out, she didn't speak like she had all of the answers, but she spoke from her heart. She told about her life and how th Lord worked through her family. Third, she spoke about adoption. I'm not 100%, but I think she said if 1 of 7 Christians families adopted there wouldn't be any orphans. What a thought. As everyone knows Mike and I have been trying to have a baby for a couple years now. Of course adoption has been in our thoughts. Jen really made me think! So hats off to Jen because she is beautiful, a great speaker, and she has stepped out in her faith, something that is really hard for a lot of people to do.
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