Friday, March 2, 2012

Life with a Cheerleader

One of my older sisters has the most natural cheerleader personality of anyone I've ever met. She always has the attitude of cheering people on, encouraging people in whatever they are going through. My sister Jacque is a cheerleader. Now, Jacque was a high school and college cheerleader, but that isn't what I'm talking about in this blog. 

No matter what I'm going through my sister is there to cheer me on. In our adult life I can't remember going through something without Jacque there encouraging me. She isn't one of those people that is always happy and cheery and annoying, but she is encouraging. When we decided to look into adopting, she was the first one to get excited for us and support our decision. As I was telling her about our fast, she jumped on board, but reminded me that it wasn't going to be easy. She isn't one of those people that just goes along with whatever you think is right and want her to agree with though. When we started fertility treatments she was skeptical, along with her concerns she expressed confidence in our decision to go ahead with it. Jacque also reads my blog and I like that. 
My sister is not only encouraging, but she shares her children with me. The BEST gift she could ever give me. She trusts me to love, take care of, play with, and be an example for her children. She allows me to be the best Aunt I can be, I love my sister (and brother-in-law) and my niece and nephew! Thanks J for being an awesome sister, mom, friend, and cheerleader!